Difference Between Your Right And Left Brain

Our brain is divided in two major parts which left brain and right brain. This division is made on both of their different functionality and different qualities. Some people you heard about know as left-brained or right-brained. It is commonly left brain deals with problem solving quality and right brainier has a quality of creativity. This is the main thing of which the brain is divided into two hemispheres performing a relatively distinct set of functions.

Difference and Division
The left and right brains use very different set of skills totally different from each other.
The Right Brain Core Function
It will surely surprise you that your right brain is realistic as it observes, thinks and process data in a realistic image. It is does not use a process passing from step by step.
The Right Brain’s Weakness
It cannot work with symbols because it is realistic and it face difficulty in understanding the parts of any picture which does not have real objects.
The Left Brain Core Function
Our left brain is more logical and it is more abstract formulas, letters and written words.

Left brain is good in learning, visualizing, sequencing and analyzing.
Right Brain is concerned with emotions, feelings and creativity.