Blind Saw His Wife For The First Time

It is priceless to have the ability to see around with your own eyes. It is one the most beautiful and precious thing which nature blessed us with. Everything need to be seen as without the ability to see the world is dark and the darkness is everywhere for the person who is blind and cannot see. A blind need help of someone in everything even in small things to do of his need. Here is a story of a blind man who become able to look and his wife become emotional on the occasion.

The person Gene was not able to see. He spent all his life with a rare disease due to which he could only see outline of the objects.

It is the reason that he did not see his wife before due to his disease.

His wife said about their first meeting that he kept walking at a distance when they met first time. Later she asked about the problem.

Gene was suffering but he didn’t want to lose his love and he tried hard that his illness cannot effect their relation.

He behaves with her like normal person as he helps her in household duties including cocking. 

They went to a TV show when they watched a woman getting her eyesight and the show organizers responded them. 

He got a special glasses by which his eyesight become normal. The glasses took picture and show it to the person with visual which his eyes can deduct. 

Gene’s saw his wife after wearing the glasses and said wow she is pretty. His wife smiled with tearful eyes as she was happy for him.