Top Corrupt Countries In the World

Corruption is a curse which destroys nations and countries. It exists everywhere in the world in different forms and it intensity varies from in different areas. Transparency International released it survey report about top corrupt countries around the world.

Somalia is ranked third time the most corrupt country of the world. According to a UN report, which was released last year, withdrawal from government institutions are being used for personal purposes.
 North Korea
North Korea is ranked runner in up in corruption race. It is one of the last remaining communists’ countries. It is suffering from lack of food and other basic necessities of life due to its closed economy and bad international relations.
Government officials and public servant demands bribe for service. Lack of transparency from government is major reason of corruption. An anti-corruption agency was established in 2012 but still it exists in the country.
Corruption is one of the major issues which Afghanistan is being faced. The US government criticized Afghan government for taking serious steps to reduce corruption due to focus of on security threats. John Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghan reconstruction, said in Middle East Institute in Washington DC that, corruption is really a big problem.
South Sudan
Major reason of corruption is South Sudan is oil productions. It is producing about 5 hundred thousand barrels per day which worth $10 billion which is being collected and $4 billion remain uncollected.