These Real Pictures Require Your Second Look 

Internet is full of fake pictures which people edit on photo shop, took picture at the right angle and sometime accidentally taken pictures at the right moment shared with different way which usually far away from the reality. But here we a collection of real pictures, amazing wondrous that you have to look again and focus to observe.

Lady With Robotic Arm
It is looking like the girl is has a robotic hand but in fact the girl itself is a human look robot made partially bionic model Rebekah Marine. 
A House Secret
The hidden fact about this house is that, it is Barack Obama’s house and may be live in here after his presidency. 
Nasty Job
You will surely start loving your job after watching this. It is a real picture where a person is in elephant’s back side for cleaning it. 
The Long Leg Lady
Chase Kennedy – She has the longest legs in the United States.
A Great Book
This book has rule the world for many year. It is Principia by Isaac Newton. The book is at an auction for a bidding for $1 million.