Facts About Food and Nutrition

Food is our basic need to live and there some kind of food which consider more beneficial for our life and health. But there are some common mis-perception about food which we don’t know and this food turn harmful for us instead of neutralizing us and there are many things which we avoid to eat thinking that they would harm our health and actually they are beneficial for us.

1. Dry Fruits
 Dry fruits are commonly considered more neutralizers but in fact the process of drying them exhausts 30 to 80 percent of their vitamins and anti-oxidants.
2. Soda Water
Soda water is one of the harmful types of food which can be damage our health. It is fecal bacteria and fat.
3. Blueberries
Some of the fruits should be eat when they are properly ripe. Blueberries are of them which should not be picked from their tree until these ripe.
4.  Honey
Honey is one the blessing which bees collect wandering from flower to flower. Honey has unique quality which other food item don’t have. It never becomes rancid.
5. Spices
We often consider that spices harm our health and many people avoid using them. According to a research, spicy food helps to live longer.