Top 10 Unsafe Places For Women Around The World

Woman of current age is more developed, educated and strong. But there are still some places where women are treated improperly. Here they are…

Afghanistan is one of the most illiterate women populated country with 87% of illiterate women population. Girls are not allowed go to school and forced to married in early ages. A number of domestic abuses to woman cases are reported in the country.
Domestic violence and gender based discrimination is common problems women faced in Congo. Harassment is also the major issue that according to a report 1150 women in Congo faced harassment ever day.
A lot of problems women faced in India including harassment at work and home, physical assault, gang rapes, human trafficking, domestic violence and child marriages. According to a survey about 50 million case were reported about women crimes in the last 30 years in the country and there is huge number of case still remain unreported.
Most of the population is tribal where 95% of the women abuse many ways including physical abuse, child marriages and many others.
The highest number of gender based crimes was reported in the country in 2010 and there is no such law which prevents and penalizes criminals who commits crime against women. They can freely live and move around the country after doing misconducts. Acid attack is one of the most common crimes against the women in the Colombia.