The most unsafe places for women around the world

The country’s judicial system does not protect women rights and the women in Egypt remain leave without their right of marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody. Such poor law system promotes violence against women.
A number of women faced assaults and violence but only few of them come forward to report them because of the poor judicial system of the country which does not protect women.
According to reports a woman is abused in every 15 seconds and slaughtered in every two hours in the country. Abortions are banned in Brazil except of such cases including rape and severe health disorder and if someone lady do this with meeting legal requirement, she send to prison for three years.
Kenya is an agricultural country but women get a little in return of their work that only 29 % of a common wage a woman earns. Women are not allowed to get education. HIV infection rate in women is much high because of forceful physical abuse.
Thailand is famous for its tourism but it has also a high rate of crime against women including assaults, domestic violence, gender based crimes. These crimes are high in number due to high consumption of narcotics and alcohol in the country.