Strange Japanese Customs Which Others Considered Bad Manners

Japanese civilization is one of world’s old civilizations. Japanese are well mannered and sophisticated people. There homes are clean and everything in their homes properly placed. Similarly, their food stuff is beautifully decorated. There are many more things which can be observed in them which shows that how manner able they are. But they have some strange customs which most of people do not know. Here they are…

Sleeping During Traveling
Japanese are very hardworking people. They work whole the day and due to which they got tired at the day end. On the way back to home, they usually fell asleep in trains and they place their head on other passenger’s shoulder.
They have a superstition about the number 4. Number 4 is considered unlucky in Japanese society. Due to this superstition they avoid number 4 in their daily routines that you will rarely found number 4 in Japan’s public places.
Rush Controllers
This is a well dressed force and its member will be found on railway stations. They are called pushers. It’s a specialized force consists group of people who assure people safety at railway stations. They are assigned to take care that people do not get any misfortune accident or stuck in train’s doors.
Special Foot Wears
You found a number of slippers outside temples, homes and traditional restaurants. Visitors need to change their foot wear to enter. Even if you go to washroom, another special pair of slipper will be waiting for you to wear and go. It is rule for everyone and no one can deny.
Tea Time
Tea is a traditional drink in Japanese customs. It is offers to guests and visitors. But while serving tea for other you cannot fill your own cup. According to Japanese it is a bad manner. When you are filling cup for other and when he sees your empty cup he fills it for.