Healthy Foods Which Make Your P3nis to Perform Better

You want satisfy you lady then you need to add something in your diet plan. These food stuffs make your se*ual life better by adding life to you p3nis.

Bananas are rich with potassium which helps to improve blood circulation in body, if eating on daily basis. It is also good to take banana daily for better erection.
Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a compound rich with amino acid which helps to get harder and stronger erection.
Pomegranate is one of the most important fruits with amazing qualities. You should not leave to eat it. It contains antioxidants and helps to enhance testosterone in your body and prevents erectile dysfunction.
Spinach is filled with iron which helps to improve functionality of blood cells. It is also help you to get better erection and make happy your woman in bad. Now I understand why Popeye loves spinach.
Potato is also a good source of potassium and helps to improve blood circulation and also a stronger erection.
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate increases level of serotonin in brain which is a mood boosting hormone. It is good to have it because it helps to enhance your libido and health erection.