Dalip Singh Rana worldwide known as The Great Khali is comeback to the International Wrestling and after his return he challenged international wrestlers. In October he started participating in various events. In these events Khali compete many international wrestles. Other 35 wrestlers are also participating in these events with Khali.
Khali had a natural talent and strength for wrestling but he did not money to sponsor and finance himself. He said he had to struggle a lot in the beginning. He has spent 10 years America for WWE and now he wishes that WWE wrestlers come to India.
He said Indian wrestlers are much talented but due to lake of opportunities they have to struggle a lot for getting a chance to compete at international level. He said there should be more opportunities for them.
Khali has started a training academy in his home state Haryana, India. He started with only 2 pupils but his students are increased by about 250 who are learning in his academy.