Teen Girls Was Found Pregnant But It Was Something More Shocking

Roughly about 700,000 cases of pregnancy are recorded every day and in a new baby born in every 3 seconds. The number is really high and it is increasing world’s population on daily basis. Apart from the number of pregnancies and new born babies, every case has a story which is most different from others. These stories mostly common but in some cases are different which are not common. Here we have such a different case.

Cheyanne Alexander
Cheyanne is 18 years old and she is rocking her house. She is pregnant and it is not a new experience for her because it is her second pregnancy. 
Her New Offspring
Cheyanne decide to check up her tummy and she visit Flint, Michigan's health clinic with her mother where they found a shocking fact.
Awesome Surprise
Cheyanne was found pregnant with not only one baby, nor two but she was pregnant with four babies. 
Rare Incident 
It is a very rare case to have quadruple babies. It happens in 1/800,000 cases. Preparation for quadruple is rise in which her family is with her to help in. 
Doctors say, after complete checkup, all babies are alive, kicking inside and healthy.