Beware of Rubber Band on Your Door

Sometime people faced some incidents where they become victim of some crime or they escaped or they had a near miss from such criminal activities. Most of the people thank God but some people share their stories so that it can help others. Similarly here a story a volunteer named Kim Fleming, shared on her social media to tell others as how she was come in such a condition and how she survived.

One day she was all alone at her home.

She heard something strange noise and on observing she found that someone was knocking at her door. He was knocking much loudly which was not usual so she decided not to open the door. 

She was trying to look out that who was at the door and she saw a man out stained glass of her door.

After sometime she realized that the man at the door was gone and she decided to open the door to look around.

When she opened the door no one was there and she found an elastic band covering her door lock and handle.

It was a technique which many professional thieves used. When someone from inside open the door the rubber band push the lock due to which door cannot be locked again and burglar can attack.

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