List of Jake Gyllenhaal’s Best Movies Which Make You His Fan

Here we have a collection of Jake Gyllenhaal’s where he did his best performance and you will be surely become his fan after watching these movies. Here they are…

Nightcrawler – 2014
The movie is one of the best movies released in the year of 2014 and it was one of the houseful movies as no one wanted to miss it. Its story is about satirical presentation on the journalists' ethics in modern times.
End Of Watch – 2012 
In this movie Jack played the role of a police officer which most common for action heroes even all of them play a police officer role at least once. But Jack performed his role brilliantly in the movie and the unique thing was in the movie that is show also policemen wives’ lives. 
Nocturnal Animals
The movie is based on the book named Tony and Susan. Team paid more than $20 million for distribution of rights globally after a massive bidding in Cannes film festival.
Source Code – 2011
In the movie Jack managed to played a versatile role as the action, sci-fi thriller actor and he improved his performance in the film. 
Brother – 2009
Gyllenhaal did not played the main role in the film, Brothers but he performed well as main character’s brother in the film.