Heart Melting Moments Showing Best of Humanity

Here we have captured some precious moment which melt your heart and your faith in humanity will be stronger.

Blind Child Police Officer
Gage Hancock-Stevens, a 13 years old blind boy wants to become a police officer. He was taken to a patrol by local police officers and the kid was entitled as Officer Gage on that day.  Policemen taught him basics of self-defense and they gifted him a beautiful cake.
Henry Robert 
Henry was an Australian and was a candidate of Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, Netherlands of 1928. During a completion of scull rowing he saw a family of ducks on his way. He stopped his scull and let them cross first the lack. 
Afghan Soldier
Abdul Rahim, 30 years old Afghan worked as Army Bomb Disposal Expert and sadly lost his both hands during working on a mine. An Indian family donated him both hands of their sibling who was seriously injured in an accident and declared brain dead.
Perth's Stirling station
A guy slipped while boarding the train at Perth's Stirling station and his leg got stuck in a gap between the train and the plate form. Passengers in the train force the bogie and tilt the it in opposite direction and the man was rescued.
Shaved Head
The entire class shaved their head on their graduation day for a fellow student who is suffering from cancer.