18 Years Old Special Guys Tortured On Live Facebook Live

Recently, four African-Americans have been arrested by Chicago Police and charged for hate crime. They assault a white boy who was not mentally fit and share the video on Facebook Live. The attackers beat him so badly while the victim was yelling and attackers were shouting insulting words against white people and Donald Trump.

The Victim
The victim in the video was not mentally fit and he was mentally challenged. A missing report was filed by his parents. The victim’s 28 minutes video was shared on Facebook live and his parents continuously was receiving texts about the boy.
Trump Support
The victim was a Trump supporter and supported Trump which could not be digest by some extremist African-Americans and they attacked him, beat him so badly. They shared the assault video on Facebook live where he also used wrong words against white people and Trump.
The victim was tied up to 4-5 hours and his 28 minutes duration video was shared on Facebook Live. The boy managed to escape from the house when a neighbor knocked the door and threaten them to police. They also kick the neighbor. The video was discovered and the boy founded wandering in the streets.
4 African-American was arrested. Three suspects were 18 years old and one was 24 years old with names Cooper, B. Covington, T. Covington and Hill. They are charged for kidnapping, hate crimes, aggravated battery and aggravated unlawful restraint and three of them were also charged with burglary.