Observe Strange Things In Picture of Bathing Women

Sometimes pictures looking normal are not normal when you are asked to focus on them. You cannot find something wrong or strange in first or second look and even you fail to notice in third attempt. But your mind starts running in suspicion that something is not right in the picture. Here we have a photo which became viral due to having such quality.

The Picture

Ladies are enjoying with friends, so what could be wrong in the photo.

Try to focus deeply. Now, did you find something fishy in it?

No. What are you trying to look and where you are trying to find it out? It is not in the bubbles.

So you could not found anything. Look at the bathroom window you will find it. Did you see it?
If still you could not observe, you need to visit your optician soonest and have a checkup of you eyes. Those who found it, beware while doing fun with your friends. Specially this type which these ladies are doing.