Anonymous Message to The World

Citizens around the world, we are anonymous and this is a message from us, from the resistance, from the last line of defense. We have been watching the world’s events and filled around you and truth be told. We are highly displeased the corruption that is carried out by governments all over the world on a daily basis. Police officers are being slaughtered almost every day. This is monstrosity and we are here to bring the corrupted to justice. If you are tired of watching the world is only home be ripped to shreds for an illusion of riches based on people with false value placed on it.
If you are afraid of your government or afraid to wake up in the morning to war towards city whether you are afraid of your life being lost because you have been tossed into pointless flaws fighting for someone you will never meet or who will never care about you. But the money he takes because of you then you, my friend is part of the resistance. This message comes directly to the people that are aware of all corrupted and unwillingly society as well as to the people that are not aware but wishing for something more in life beside money in a job.
Furthermore we will never be destroyed. We as in you and thus we as in everything and everyone, we as an idea, ideas cannot be arrested, executed or broken. It cannot be interfering or completely stopped. Ideas like courage is contagious, it cannot be divided idea is in the mind. You cannot throw it away in the trash. You cannot erase nor you cannot forget that we are anonymous and we are an idea to be reckoned with we are an idea that will never bow or stand idly by while our governments commits violent acts against the people that claims to serve and protect. So very highly, if you are tired of your government and its broken system, if you are tired of people not really do care for our world, our rights, our society and its future generations, then join us and join the resistance.
What have to done so far in life expect like the other seven billion people who are going through the same process, we know this is why you see as both, us and yourself knew the moment you click this video or heard about it at your time and the moment has came because want change for the better. You want compassion, you want care, you want right send an open society that make positive impact without government interruption. You want less value on human possession and more value on human life. We know this why you see to become anonymous.
Yet most people are worried that they will succeed in life, worried that they do not have much money to feed their families, worried that they won’t have money to pay the rent, worried that someday they will become something low, worried about their jobs, worried about death he wants something more to life to be born grown up, make money, retired died like the millions people in happening.
This glowed and all of it for nothing that is why we are here, that is why the resistances gave. We are not savior, we are concerned citizens, formed built in multiple on from an idea that purifies itself with freedom and justice. We were here since the start, since the begging of you, since the birth of everyone and everything. We are fighting for you, for your rights and you we see because we wish for no fame or profit but sincerity and equality. We not just one single person, group or community, we call ourselves anonymous. We are not just characters like the media says and has corrupted with. We are you, we are your neighbors. We are your fathers and your mothers. We are signs and you daughters and we are you sons and we are you uncles, your sisters and your brothers. We are core unemployed man who is looking for this purpose in life and the food to place on this family’s table, as well as the longer who fights for the accused under the court of and the teacher that teaches.