Is shinning and broad busting news of the world about the
executive actions of Donald trump against different communities of the world,
such policies of trump effect on Muslim community who live in the America. Some
specific groups would hurt by such policies as life saving women abortion will affect
by his statement that federal funds for global organizations which provided
abortion saving services in future these organizations cannot run in the United
States of America due to his announcement women life in danger.
Another group which will face hurdles related to immigration
and valid documentation proof and people from seven Muslims countries cannot
enter in America like Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. This decision will be
implement for about Muslims not for others as Hindu, Christians and other religions.
According to trumps new policy against Muslims Syrian refugees also cannot
enter in America and undocumented people can depart from America. Donald Trump
also announced about that government organization will not share secrets
information with public. Against new policies of Donald trump people made
strikes all over the America. According to an American Muslim that not only
Donald trump responsible about new policies but other Clinton supporter are
also responsible for this. Some American people are supporting trump’s decision
that Muslims will not involve in extremist criminal activities.
Some media analyst and journalists have been given their
views about Donald trump new policies that these will effect in American
economy because investors will avoid to participate in more investment due to
strict immigration policies, it’s not better for America no doubt American
people will more safe from threats but their results will effect to some groups.
He must take back his descant about Muslims and refugees. Its high risk for
America because long term strikes will become in future. So after announcement
of new immigration policies people of America held strike before trumps
building and white house.
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