Man With An Iron Lung For Almost 60 Years

Iron Lung is basically a negative pressure ventilator which works as a life saver. It helps to breathe to the people who are suffering from critical condition. It is very rare because its assembling is very difficult to handle. There are only 10 people around the world who are currently using the Iron Lung. Paul Alexander is one of them.
68-year-old Paul lives in Texas, America with his family. He was found as a victim of polio when he was just six years old. His both lung stopped working and left completely paralyzed. He is now living with Iron Lung.

Suffering Journey
Paul is alive just because of his Iron Lung. It is like a coffin in which he is lying for last 60 years.
Paul’s disability could not stop his from getting education. He got a law degree from the University of Texas.
People With Iron Lung
It is very rare even only 10 people around the world are living with Iron Lung as Paul.
Paul’s Struggle
It is much difficult that anyone can expect and Paul is handling this difficulty with his unbeatable will power. He does his daily tasks.
Iron Lung’s Function