Women Spoke Against Feminism

Feminism is a movement to define and establish women rights and millions of women support it. But some of the ladies spoke against the Feminism and they use different channels to spread this message to the world, including social media, websites and blogs.
Here some of them with their messages where they told the reason behind their boycott against Feminism.

Own Choice
She choose herself to be at home as a household woman.
Fair Rights
She is getting her rights and everything she need.
She don’t need it due to her daughter. 
Modern Feminism
She called the modern feminism is not equal. She care for man’s rights also.
She speak against feminism due to her kids who are 3 boy and she did not find every man wrong. 
She did not support feminism as she said she is not a victim. 
Need a Man
She says she needs a man who will respect her and she doesn’t need feminism.
She believes in man and woman are equal. So, that’s why she did not support feminism.
Rape Survivor 
She is a rape survivor and she says she is not afraid of man. So, she doesn’t need feminism. 
Personal Life
She do not support feminism as she said her personal life is not a political agenda.