7 Year Old Boy With Just 8 lbs Weight Survived

Woman is very strong but she becomes strongest when she becomes a mother. As she carry her baby in her body, give him birth, care for him, grow him, teach him and fight for him without giving up till the last moment. Here is a story of mother who saved a life which was seems to be lost.

The Morses want to adopt a child and for the purpose they went to a Bulgarian orphanage. When a nurse brought a boy go them first they thought she took the wrong boy because he was very small. 
His First Look
He was in a very pitiable condition when the family firstly met with him. Priscilla Morse says, their first meeting with Ryan was scary. 
His Condition 
Clear signs for malnutrition could be seen in him as his skin was so thin that his veins were visible on his skin. 
After that they boy started recovering and showing steady improvement.
Here is the clear difference in signs of improvement can be seen. They boy gained 15 lb in last 13 months. 
Morses Family
Morses family not just adopted him but helped to save a precious life.