Life Before Marriage Vs Life After Marriage

In a marriage relation couple has to spend their life with each other and this life successfully go when both of compromise and scarifies. Marriage life brings happiness for both but many things it changes in couple’s life. These changes sometime are pleasant but many of the changes are annoying for the couple and they don’t want to compromise some times. So you should check that the person you choose is a right person for.
Here are some of the major things which can be affected after marriage in people’s life and you can check your future partner on these parameters.

Man and woman have to travel together with their partner. It becomes good to understand each other because on the way to destination everything is far away from both which can be a hurdle in their privacy. But sometime together journey becomes annoying due to some of the reasons including more expenses, other partner is not comfortable due to non habitualness or some other things. 
If you have an argument with your partner, due to some dissenting opinions, here you should observe how he/she reacts. Stay with you after argument of left you behind in anger during the conversation. 
Financial Situation 
Don’t hide your financial condition from your partner. Show what you are. Don’t lie about your financial status because if you lie it will be revealed on your partner after marriage which will affect your relation and if your partner is sincere with you and love you, he/she will accept you as you are. 
Household Duties
Talk about household duties how it will be managed. She will do them or a servant or maid will help her in doing them. 
Kids and Expectations
Talk about kids that and speak about your other expectations from your partner. You should ask about your partner’s hopes and expectation so that you can discuss them clearly before marriage and they would not become a matter of difference later.