President Trump Lost Something Huge

President Donald Trump has been on an 18-month winning streak which halted on Thursday night when a federal appeals court confirms a lower-court rule for lifting Trump's touring ban on refugees and all visitors from seven dominantly Muslim countries.

The Executive Order

The Trump presidency took step in immigration policies ban entry of people from seven Muslim countries who are suffering from war. It was said that this step has been taken to secure country from foreign terrorists. 
Trump Response On Social Media
Trump indirectly said says that he is going to challenge court orders in supreme court. He says America’s security at risk.
Trump’s Expectations
Trump thought it would be an open-shut case, but response is totally different from his expectations and things turned upside down. The court did not see the situation in Trump’s way and there many a lot of chances that nothing is going to be changed in Supreme Court appeal.
Trump promoted a lot of thing during his presidential campaign. He made many promises as any other government do in the situation.
Presidency Called In Question
 Recently, President Trump and his presidency is called in question. Who view and brings the executive order. But Trump openly challenge the court’s orders.