It has electric engines with a
small diesel motor and equipped with diesel hybrid system. This is an electric
car and can go 31 miles before you need to switch on diesel where you can go
400 mile with full tank of 6.6 gallons.Robocar Poli 2h
A remotely operated connected and controlled by a computer. It avoids obstacles with its sensors, on-board video cameras and radar. The Tiny Robotic Car is a replica of Japan’s toy Robocar.
A special car specifically made for police. The Futuristic two-seat Audi sports car built with spheres instead of wheels and butterfly doors.
Stackable Rental Car
This car is currently not available in market but soon it will be released in market for customers as MIT Media Lab is working on it. It is carbon free, environment friendly, electric car and you don’t need to worry about fuel. You can get first fully charged from the rack and you go for a ride. The most interesting and unique thing about this car is that its wheels can turn around a full 360 degrees and you can go by rotating it wheels moving in any direction.
Google’s Self Driving Car
This car can scan it
surroundings while travelling and can make a detailed 3D map with features
including signs, guardrails, overpasses and edges. When it passes from anywhere
it collects more data and update Google map.