Women Right Activist Went Topless Against Trump

The US President Donald Trump’s controversies against women assault became popular during his election campaign. Women in US and also around the world mostly don’t like him due to those news and protest against him in many ways. Here is a strange protest was recorded by a Women Rights Activist in Spain. She went topless in public place where Trump’s statue was placed. It was a ceremony where Trump’s life size statue was unveiled. Media was there to report some news, captured her. The Women Right Activist Group named Femen hijacked the event and turned it in a protest.

She did not feel shame to be topless in public and even in presence of media. 

She was continuously shouting as Grab patriarchy by the balls.

The museum staffed tried hard to hold the woman but they could not do that.

Museum administration could control her and failed to managed strict security at the event.

The Women Rights Activist Group Femen took the responsibility of the this protest.

This is not only the case where Trump vilified by women and women rights group.

A spokesperson from the museum – Gonzalo Presa released an official statement that, it was not a publicity stunt.

The museum arranged the ceremony of unveiling Trump’s life size statue when this incident was happened.

The protester woman is still not identified.

The whole scenario caused of embarrassment for the museum authority and the male staff present at the event.