Woman Earning £125 Hourly As Bridesmaid

A lady from London discovered a new way of earning and the amount she is getting in return of her job is very good. She is getting much more to live a luxurious life. Tiffany Wright is working as a professional bridesmaid. It is not much common that no one would hear about it but she found it as a way of earning.

She appears in the ceremony as a guest and helps bride to release her stress on the big day of her wedding. Tiffany said, in her interview that her husband works in a finance company and he thinks her job is crazy. 

Julia, one of Tiffany’s clients, was stressed on her wedding and she hired Tiffany to handle all necessary works which she did excellently. 

She charged £750 for six hours of the wedding ceremony where her job included getting people to the dance floor, filling bride water glass and dealing with family dramas. 

Julia married in May and her marriage ceremony was held at the Lime Wood Hotel. She gave all the credit to Tiffany who helped her to making things easily on her marriage day. 

Tiffany also handles other things related to the event including decoration and other jobs which helps bride on her wedding like she suggest dress, makeup and even wedding ring. She is working with grace and people are loving her job.