Things You Should Never Do On Facebook

Everyone is using social media around the world. People like to spare their time on social media site chatting with their friends, sharing pictures and videos and other contents. But fool people and black sheep are everywhere. You must know about these small things on social media if you don’t want to be un-friend and un-liked.

Always Selling
If you always try to sell your brand on your social media accounts, people in your friends list will become tired and upset. 
Over Posting
Avoid over posting. It will decrease your quality of posting and also people stop taking interest in your postings.
Over Sharing
Over sharing is also like over posting and it will affect similarly as excess of everything is bad. 
Original Content
Don’t use fake material to post and share on your social media. It cannot be proved real and when people will find such things they will leave your on social media.
Avoid unnecessary tagging. It is not good for your online friendships. 
Engagement With Followers
You should remain engage people who are following you and your friend on or like your profile/pages/posts. If you do not do, it will minimize their interest in you.
If you have posted something on your account, don’t repeat it again and again even people like it because this repetition make your followers annoyed. 
Games Requests
Don’t send games request too much and if you send it to someone don’t resend. 
Don’t try to flirt with girls on they will leave your account and unfriend or block you. 
Fake Accounts
Don’t make fake accounts because it will not remain secret always and when it will be identified people will leave you.