Harsh Painful Realities About Humanity

The phrase – black and white is meant to a different word – justice. We think that there are two sides of a coin and similarly we consider the world where we are living in, has two aspects which are black and white. But there is third side which is grayer also exists. The darker part plays it role in the background. Here we have some painful and shameful realities about human which will shock you and will make you wonder that how can someone do that. When you start scrolling you will find such stories which will hit your heart like bullets. Here they are…

Crying Daughter
It is one of the most shameful facts. How could a human so cruel which victimized his own family.
Make embarrass someone and snatching his freedom just be realized him who is superior.
Servant or Slave
He was a servant but is being treated like a slave.
Cheating Friend
After this you cannot trust anyone easily because anyone can cheat you even your friends.
Cruel Motherhood
How could she do this. No mother can dare to do that and she even will not allow anyone for things like this.