Beer is Good For Health – See HOw

Here are some reason for which beer is good for your health.

Healthier Heart
It minimizes heart attack risk.
It helps to improve digestion better. 
Blood Pressure
Harvard research says drinking beer helps in lowing down blood pressure. 
Drinking beer protects brain from degenerative disorders and helps to prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's. 
Bone Health
High quantity of silicon in beer makes bones stronger by increasing their density. 
Eye Health
Daily dose of beer can be helpful for preventing cataracts.
Fight Inflammation
Beer helps in fighting inflammation with bitter acids found in hops are full of anti-inflammatory properties.
Kidney Stone
Daily drinking of beer make lower the risk of kidney stone. 
Long Life
According to Virginia Tech researchers, people who consume a reasonable quantity of beer regularly are 19% less likely to die early.
Weight Lose 
Beer helps in losing weight as it low in calories and help to reduce bad cholesterol levels.
Post-Work Recovery
Beer is more hydrating alternative to water which refreshes after workout. 
Source of Vitamin B
Beer boosts Vitamin B as it is a great source of it.
Whitening Teeth
A study published in the the Journal of Bio-medicine and Biotechnology in 2012, says beer  found fight with the bacteria which cause for tooth decay and gum disease.
Save From Cancer
The element of flavoring present in hops which impedes cancer-causing enzymes.
Good For Brain
A research in the New England Journal of Medicine says, one alcoholic drink per day keeps the mental health better.