This Women Shock You With Her Thirst Of Blood

A lady from Australia is became a real life vampire as she drinks blood and avoid sunlight. Georgina Condon, the vampire lady is a make-up artist by profession. She is now 39 years old and started drinking blood when she was just 12 years old and she is avoiding sunlight from last 20 years. She falls ill if she does not drink blood or come in contact with sunlight.

Georgina also needs blood for her medical need because she is suffering from thalassemia. If she doesn’t drink blood she has to face anaemia and lack of iron. She sucks blood from her boyfriend’s body to fill her thirst for blood. Her boyfriend, Zamael allowed her to drink his and she is sucking this blood from last three years. She sucks his blood directly from his wounds which he cuts with blade. They do this on weekly basis at dinner time.

Georgina found her first female donor at the age of 17. Georgina said she enjoyed being drink from. Her thirst turned in a craze when vampire movies and tv show became hits. She started making wounds on her body by cutting and started drinking from them when she was just 12 years old.

Her mother and younger sister understand her problem and thirst for blood. She accept my with how I am but they don’t she such desire to drink blood.