Powerful Photos Of Women Protesting Around The World

Woman is a power and when a well aware woman found something wrong in her surroundings, she starts strong protest against it. Here we have such example from all over the world.

A topless protester lady was being arrested by police as she jumped in front of the car of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former IMF Chief, on 10-Feb-15.
Kashmiri women are protesting against India army for detainment of a girl by India army. Soldiers fired rubber bullets and tear for de-tracking the crowd.
A black woman is protesting with a tapped moth in Washington DC with thousands of other protesters. These porters are demanding justice for a black man’s death by white police man.
Women are holding a policeman during a protest in Xinjiang, China. Protesters were attacked by tear gas by police to control.
UK  - United Kingdom 
Women are protesting for woman rights and harassment in UK. They arranged a rally named Slut Walk and thousands of women participated in it. Protest was demanding justice for rape victims in London with bearing abusive words on their bodies.